A new cleaning module to the ECO3 Attiro clean-out unit for violet newspaper printing plates significantly reduces the maintenance frequency of the Clean Out Unit.
The Attiro Cleaning Module gives newspaper printing companies the freedom to clean their Attiro clean-out unit after 12,000 m² of printing plates only. This reduces the workload for most users to three or maximum four full cleaning interventions per year. The Attiro Cleaning Module adds to the ease of use of ECO3’s violet plate technology Avatar V-ZH and N95-VCF in combination with the company’s Attiro clean-out units.
Prepress staff of newspaper printers worldwide highly appreciated Agfa’s Attiro cascade clean-out unit, which is characterized by a minimal use of clean-out fluid, easy maintenance, and limited energy consumption. In addition, the system’s small footprint makes it possible to move plate production closer to the press console for higher efficiency. In line with our ECO3 strategy, the new Attiro Cleaning Module makes this plate production solution even more ecological, economical and convenient.
Rainer Kirschke, Market Manager Newspapers - ECO3
German newspaper printer Main-Post is an early adopter of the Attiro Cleaning Module. “The results of the automated cleaning process are excellent,” says Thomas Gabel, Production Manager. “The Attiro Cleaning Module enables us to expand the cleaning cycle from 8,000 to 12,000 m². This reduces our workload and cost, as well as products to clean the processor. The two automated intermediate cleanings can be executed with a simple push on the Attiro COU display.”
The Attiro Cleaning Module can be implemented in all existing Attiro units and is available to all ECO3 plate users.