ECO3 Anti counterfeiting software
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High-end Security Design Applications

Whether you design or produce high security documents such as passports, identity documents, driver's licenses, tax stamps, vouchers or security documents, you always have one common goal: stay ahead of the counterfeiter.

High Security Cards

As the authenticity of identification cards is fundamental, the process begins with designing the card in consideration of its function and conditions of use. One X4 security design software is designed to make the counterfeiter’s life as difficult as possible.

When dealing with national IDs, driver’s licenses, residence cards and other secure IDs, security is a primary concern to governments around the world. ID fraud is now commonplace. It takes a good security design in identity documents to prevent the counterfeiter from taking over someone else’s identity.

ID card
Example of an ID card design


A passport is the holder’s most personalized and most valuable identification document. At the same time it reflects the identity and culture of the issuing country. It is indispensable to allow and regulate worldwide travel of the individual. Passport fraud is commonplace, hence it demands a good quality security design to make it forgery-proof.

passport design
Example of a passport

Tax Stamps

Excise stamps not only serve as proof of duty payment but should also enable authentication by different levels of users and can serve as a carrier for the data that enable supply chain security. Next to coding technologies and the combination of different security features, design is critical to the function of tax stamps. Fortuna security software offers different modules to create specific, original designs.

Tax stamp security elements
Example of a tax stamp design

General documents

Every contemporary society functions more efficiently with appropriate documents, including birth certificates, diplomas, registration documents, ballots… Institutions, governments, and individuals benefit from specific security modules generated by Fortuna’s design and assembly software. Protecting these documents with dedicated design elements is the answer to prevent criminals from counterfeiting them.

Lottery tickets, vouchers,...

Under the common denominator of tickets, a broad range of widely different products can be securely designed with Fortuna. To prevent tampering with the tickets or vouchers issued, several modules can be used within the design, enabling easy detection of forgery attempts.

Example of a ticket with security design elements