“Increased efficiency thanks to the Attiro ZH washout unit with reduced production costs!”
The Media Group Main-Post has been providing its readers with information from the region for the region since 1883, keeping pace with the spirit of the time. From the former "Würzburger General-Anzeiger" as a pure newspaper publishing house, today's Media Group Main-Post emerged.
Currently more than 1,000 people work for the company, which belongs to the media group Pressedruck in Augsburg. Every day the daily newspapers Main-Post, Schweinfurt Tagblatt, Schweinfurt People's Daily, Haßfurter Tagblatt, Bote vom Haßgau and Volksblatt are published and printed. Third-party printing orders produce as many newspapers in the company as never before.
In Würzburg great value is placed on quality and competitiveness, and ecological aspects are also included in the decisions. Thanks to different technical levels in the individual areas, there is no need to change anything at the same time. Thus, the Media Group Main-Post ensures that the technical level remains high.

The transfer of the CtP lines to the control center was an optimization of the internal work processes. With the decision for the Attiro ZH washout unit, the next milestone was set, the existing (narrow) space further optimized and the energy costs by eliminating the Preheat module on reduced. A decisive aspect also for the energy audit ISO50001. The Attiro ZH in combination with the printing plate Avatar ZH works perfectly. From a technical point of view, the printing plate Avatar V-ZH has the advantage of a linear behavior of tonal transfer and also convinced due to the lithographic properties of the printing plate. The whole process is more stable.
Switching the imagesetter to the Advantage N-PL VHS has helped to increase plate throughput while reducing manual effort: eliminating the manual loading of plates into the trolleys. In Würzburg, six printing towers and three folders from Koenig & Bauer take over the production of the orders. The high automation in the plate production is implemented by the just-in-time function of the Arkitex workflow in conjunction with Nela. The printing plates are pre-sorted according to position and stored in a total of three stations, these can also be double-occupied.

The conversion to the new technology took place in the ongoing production operation and went so well that the one "old" CtP line was dismantled on the first night. "The close and perfect interaction of our building services with the ECO3 technical and sales staff has once again convinced us", explains Andreas Kunzemann, member of the management, technology at Main-Post. "We have an excellent partnership here with ideas and solutions that are tailored to our requirements and needs, as well as innovative approaches and ideas."
Thanks to our decision to purchase Attiro ZH, we have again reduced our water and energy costs nearly to 60% while improving process stability.