Arkitex Newsdrive

Newspaper prepress production software

Arkitex NewsDrive optimizes the output speed for your devices. It offers an uninterrupted flow of data to ensure faster throughput.

No matter how big or how small your newspaper output device is, there is a product in the Arkitex NewsDrive series that fits your needs exactly. Your choice depends on the number and the type of output devices of your newspaper company.

Do you use the ECO3 TIFF workflow to drive devices? Then you want our NewsDrive. It’s reliable, reliable, fast and fits into your printing operation seamlessly. The NewsDrive X series goes beyond TIFF buffers and enables you to take full advantage of the fastest speeds your engine can handle. It integrates seamlessly with the full Arkitex suite of workflow automation products.

Do you use our Advantage N-M, N-SA of N-SL platesetters? Then NewsDrive N makes your engines even better. Multiple scan folders allow you to prioritize different jobs. And you can easily make real-time text annotations or add multiple local printing marks.

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Arkitex workflow mouse 1200x800


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Automation drives productivity, while improving reliability. Turnaround times are reduced.


Secure working thanks to output control


Arkitex NewsDrive integrates with all your output devices

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ECO3 Solutions magazines highlight industry trends and our latest products and services. These 16- and 20-page PDF magazines are available in three editions aimed at commercial and packaging printers, flexo printers and newspapers. The magazines are offered in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.

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