7 of 7 Products
The Adamas COU series consists of dedicated, advanced and compact clean-out units that swiftly finish Adamas plates and take ecology to the next level.
Thermal CtP system for newspaper printing, available in single and dual format versions.
The world’s best newspaper CtP system with violet-laser imaging. Go for maximum automation and uninterrupted plate production.
Saving money and the planet while cleaning out your violet chemistry-free plates? Use Attiro VHS, a clean-out unit that uses a unique cascade concept.
Saving money and the planet while cleaning out your violet chemistry-free plates? Use Attiro ZH, a clean-out unit that uses a unique cascade concept and zero heat.
Avalon C4-30 NP thermal CtP systems offers newspaper printers automation and excellent imaging capabilities.
This compact and affordable clean-out unit for N95-VCF violet chemistry-free plates works at a speed of 1.2 m per minute.