Innovative screening technology

With this new and patented print screening technology, ECO3 takes its focus on ecology, economy and extra convenience to the next level. 

The concept is straightforward but all the more innovative: we replace the traditional ink dot with other more efficient shapes such as spirals. This has a positive impact on print quality and results in a crystal-clear image every time without effort. SPIR@L lets you hold a 1-99% dot, guaranteeing vibrant colors and reducing image slur. What’s more, it requires no expensive upgrades for your CTP or printing press.

SPIR@L screening is suitable for heatset, newspaper and packaging printing.

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Spiral screening example bitmap 1200x800
ECO3 SPIR@L visual 1200x800
Spiral screening example bitmap 1200x800


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Achieve picture-perfect detail

SPIR@L guarantees high-quality images in the finest detail and brightest colors.

Improve production speed

With SPIR@L, heatset or coldset presses can run faster without spraying the ink. This improves speed and productivity while significantly reducing your energy consumption and overall costs.

Save on ink

Thanks to the unique SPIR@L dot shape, less ink is required to fill in the same area. You save on ink in mid-tones and shadows.

Drying times have been faster, allowing us to finish and deliver the products quicker. We can also save on floor space because we can stack more sheets on a pallet.

Filip Peeters, Senior Specialist Digital Prepress - Solidus
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Solidus Solutions check press sheet

SPIR@L screening technology impacted our daily production directly. It not only lived up to its promise to lower our overall ink consumption, we also experienced better image quality with improved detail reproduction and better sharpness.

Lucas Hilgert da Silva, Production Supervisor - Grupo Sinos
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Grupo Sinos building

We like SPIR@L because it uses less ink to get up to color. Less ink also means less water, allowing jobs to come up to color easier and faster on press. SPIR@L is good for the press operator, but more importantly, it results in vivid, clearer images for our customers.

Roy Waterhouse, General Manager - Hopkins Printing
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Hopkins Printing - press operator

SPIR@L not only lived up to its promise to lower our overall ink consumption, but we also experienced better image quality with improved detail reproduction and better sharpness.

Lucas Hilgert da Silva, Production Supervisor - Grupo Sinos
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Grupo Sinos building

How it works

The new SPIR@L technology begins the printing process by placing a modified minimum ink dot, created in a varying shape, such as a spiral. 

SPIR@L screening

Thanks to the solution’s smooth transition from positive to negative spirals and minimum white gap, the result is always a high-quality image in vibrant colors. You can set up SPIR@L according to your preferences: different curves and groove area thicknesses can be selected depending on the press and paper used to achieve high quality print at the lowest possible cost.

SPIR@L screening - ink layer comparison

By replacing conventional dots with spiral shapes, the thickness of the ink layer is reduced. This leads to lower ink consumption and faster drying.

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ECO3 Solutions magazines highlight industry trends and our latest products and services. These 16- and 20-page PDF magazines are available in three editions aimed at commercial and packaging printers, flexo printers and newspapers. The magazines are offered in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.

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